Rating: 7/10
Label: Indie 2012
Review by Martien Koolen
Franck Carducci is a multi-instrumentalist who already played with 20 different bands and who got involved in the recording of 15 different albums. Four years ago Franck moved to Amsterdam and in 2010 he opened a gig for Steve Hackett from
Genesis. Now, finally he released his first solo album called Oddity and if you like
good old-fashioned melodic prog rock then you will probaly enjoy this CD very much.
Franck invited a couple of friends to play along, like e.g. John Hackett, Larry
Crocket, Phildas Bhakta and Yanne Matis. The albums opens with the epic song
Achilles, which clocks over 14 minutes and features a lot of beautiful melodies,
lots of flute and also acoustic guitar passages. Follow up The Quind is again filled
with lots of acoustic guitars, keys and rather dreamy and melancholic vocal parts
and melodies. Alices Eerie Dream ia agreat prog rock song with lots of nice guitar
solos, while The Last Oddity is maybe a bit tto long and too spacy altought the
guitar and keyboard solos are again rather nice. The only "bad" song on the album is
the rather boring The Eyes Of Age which is too folky for me. What I also do not
understand is why Franck covers the Genesis song The Carpet Crawlers; I HATE covers.
All in all not a bad effort, but I think that Franck can do much better as my advice
would be: leave out the long acoustic parts and stay away from covers!
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