Label: Open E Records 2014
Review by: Urban "Wally" Wallstrom

Oh dear. The live acoustic album by the Steel Panthers. The nerve to type down that something should or rather must be avoided at all costs, could backfire and have the opposite effect. However, to help you avoid the mistakes that will literally cost you several minutes (what?) of your precious life, yours truly had no other option really. Blissfully unaware of the negativity they spread, the clearly not-so-funny blokes are taking the piss at millions of rock fans as well as proper acts and musicians. Harsh? Yeah, but, c'mon. Let's not even mention the lyrics and the way they treat half of the world' population (that's women if you got lost).
"Live From Lexxi's Mom's Garage", the band's first full-length film featuring a live ten-song acoustic concert was taped in Los Angeles last October in front of a live audience inside the lit garage of Ms. Foxx (Bobbie Brown), who coincidentally also happens to be the mother of Lexxi Foxx? Huh? Remember that there is no such a thing as bad publicity, only bad marketing and packaging? Hardly correct since this is the very definition of poor business and utter crap lyrics (Gloryhole. Bukkake Tears, etc.).
Final verdict: Juvenile? Redundant? Wasteful? Sexist? Clueless about the meaning of irony and the correct use of the word (now, that's irony). One trick pony. The daft comedians without a single proper joke. I could go on and on. In the end though, you be the judge. This is however my personal opinion. Avoid at all costs...
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