It's been a while again, and the "to be checked"-list of new albums is getting longer every week. Time to work on it!
SISTERS DOLL. Must be a Swedish sleaze/glam band, right? That was my initial reaction, and I also thought I had heard them before and crossed them off my list. Then a song of theirs was on Spotify's "new releases" playlist, it sounded good and I checked who it was... ahh, Sisters Doll... let's see... they're Australian? Okay... and they've got three albums out, none of which I've actually heard. The band consists of 4 Mileto brothers and "Scars" (RRRR) is their latest effort, released in January 2025. It reached a very respectable #11 position on the Autralian album chart, considering that rock isn't exactly mainstream these days. My "Swedish sleaze" reaction isnt't completely off the mark, as the band's sound has something in common with that particular scene. There's a certain melancholic undertone in their songs too, which reminds me of the Finnish bands like HIM and Negative. I might thrown in Black Veil Brides as well. What else...The ballad "First Time" captures the sound of 1990 quite well, when the glam bands had begun to tone down their image and made black and white videos for their semi-acoustic slow songs. "Take You Away" moves into the direction of Harem Scarem and Winger, while "Kiss Me" is more in the Butch Walker vein. All this might sound like a bit of a mixed bag, but somehow it isn't. Good stuff!
Tommy Johansson is known for his YouTube metal covers, his stint in Sabaton and various bands and projects. A profilic musician indeed. One of his longest-standing bands is MAJESTICA. The band was previously called ReinXeed, but in 2019 they decided to get a new start and changed the name. "Power Train" (RRRr) is Majestica's third album. This is a textbook example of a modern day power metal album - symphonic elements, soaring vocals, ultra-fast beats, chest-beating choruses and much more. You'll hear touches of many of the icons of power metal - Sonata Arctica, Helloween, Sabaton to name a few. What's missing are the standout songs to raise this to the next level. The title track and "A Story In The Night" are the closest contenders. I like it but don't love it... then again, if you're a fan of the genre, you're most likely to love it.
PERFECT PLAN's previous album "Brace For Impact" wasn't a disappointment as such, but it kind of fell through the cracks. With "Heart Of A Lion" (RRRRr) the band returns to the frontline of Scandinavian AOR. The album is a tribute to the classic bands of the eighties - Survivor, Foreigner, Journey etc. but with a muscular contemporary production. The "singles" released before the album were all very good, but interestingly my favourite track isn't among them this time: "Ready To Break" is a gem hidden in the middle of the album. Anyway, there's not much to fault here really, we're mostl likely talking about a Top 10 album for this year. I just hope that vocalist Kent Hilli's other project GIANT doesn't overshadow this album once it's released.
GINGER EVIL is a new Finnish band, and their album "The Way It Burns" (RRR) is a departure from the usual Frontiers releases. The band plays modern rock that reminds me of The Foo Fighters, Paramore, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Anouk. Compared to some other modern rock acts, they have a rather organic sound and an exceptionally good vocalist in Ella Tepponen. Their songwriting may be a little too grungy/alt. sounding for my taste, but they're certainly very good at what they do. Check out "Dead On Arrival" or the moody "Arrowhead". The latter is a cover of a song by Finnish singer/songwriter J. Karjalainen. To put it mildy, I don't really care for his music. Ginger Evil have managed to turn this song into something that I enjoy, which is something of a miracle!
I'm really looking forward to seeing AVANTASIA live for the first time in April, and Tobias Sammet's latest opus "Here Be Dragons" (RRRR) has been in powerplay in my stereo and headphones. I've always liked Sammet's way of writing melodies, and this album is yet another testament to that. Once again the album features many guest stars: Geoff Tate, Bob Catley, Tommy Karevik, Michael Kiske, Roy Khan, Ronnie Atkins, Kenny Leckremo and Adrieanne Coven. The songs range from fast power metal tracks to melodic rock, with a big, somewhat Queen-like ballad closing the album. My favourite tracks are on the first half of the album, the second half isn't quite as strong, therefore only four R's.